We are so excited that you have sponsored a child,
making a difference in their life!
We want you to be able to connect, building a strong and lasting relationship with your sponsor child. One great way to do that is to write a letter of updates and encouragement! Sending your sponsor child a letter is a way in which you can show your child that you care about them and are pray for them.
We have some guidelines and ideas to help you create a great letter for your sponsor child.
*Please be advised that all correspondence between the child and their sponsor are filtered through our staff for security purposes. If anything in this letter does not abide by the rules and regulation of Seven Wells Ministries, we have the right to remove any content out of the letter. This includes cutting to make the letter shorter.
<p”>• Please do not write your address, town/city or email address in the letter. This is for the protection of both you and the children.
• Please do not write/indicate anything about the genocide in the letters. These children have been though a lot, and they do not need to be reminded of the horrible history of their country. Please DO NOT write about your hard ships and struggles, as again, they do not need to be burdened by more hardships.
• Please write encouraging words and thoughts. This could include a Bible verse or quote, or mention that you are praying for them. Most importantly, encourage your child and let them know that you are thinking and praying for them. The children receive so little in their life that a letter from their sponsor means so much to them.
• Gladly share about yourself or your family, what you do for a living, your hobbies, pets, your interests, places you have traveled to or special holiday stories.
• Feel free to ask your child about their lives and interest, with sensitivity to their family backgrounds.
Please keep the letter to under 100 words (brief and simple). Our translators need to translate all letters, making it difficult for them when the letter is really long.
• Please understand that because of the mechanics in having several hundred children write and receive letters, it can take several months before you might get a response to your questions.
• If you prefer to write on stationery, please follow the above guidelines as well. You are more than welcome to send along FLAT paper items that are less than 1/4 inch thick (suggested ideas: stickers, bookmarks, photos of you and your family)
• Please make sure that the subject is Child ID number, Child Name, your first name name. Example ACCU-121, Caleb Amani, Susan
Other Important information:
We desire to protect our sponsored children and well as the sponsor. This means that all correspondence be handled through Seven Wells. Please do not accept a request to connect with your child through social media or social networking (email, Facebook, etc). Let Seven Wells know right away if you do receive a request of this nature from your child or someone claiming to be your child. For this reason we also ask that you do not include your email or mailing address on your letters. Thank you so much for your understanding in this matter.
Please send all physical mail to:
Seven Wells Ministries
71 Leisure Bay
Winnipeg, MB
R2Y 0W9
Please email all letters to admin@sevenwells.ca
Subject Line: Child ID number, the child’s name, your first name
Example: VB-088, Claudine Ahishakiye, James