Our next Vision trip to Africa will be in August, 2025. See below for more information.
It all changes when you are face to face!
It’s one thing to sit at home and hear about the needs around the world, but it all seems so different when you are face to face with one child. One child who needs food, who needs education, and something besides the dirt floor to sleep on. It’s a powerful experience to visit African families in their homes and see how they live. You come home profoundly changed!
On our Vision Trips you will have the chance to meet families on their own turf, and also to roll up your sleeves and work alongside our staff in Rwanda and Uganda. We run kids’ clubs, speak in churches and youth events, help families start businesses, and visit our farming projects.
You may not change the whole world, but you will change the world for the people you meet, and your world will be changed!!
For info, contact trips@sevenwells.ca
What People Say

The mission trip with Seven Wells was life-changing for me. I had been sponsoring a girl in Uganda for 4 years, and always had a longing to visit her home. God gave me that opportunity with the Seven Wells mission trip.
While in Rwanda and Uganda we visited churches, schools, the village where Amon (founder of Seven Wells) grew up, and some of the homes of the sponsored children. What an amazing experience!My heart broke to see people struggling to get just one meal a day, sleeping on mats or dirt floors, and families living in two room mud huts. But the really amazing thing that touched my heart was the way they welcomed us and the way they would worship God with such passion for who He is and how He works in their lives. What a testimony!
Coming back home to our affluent society has been difficult to process. “Why have I been privileged to live such a secure and easy life? ” I feel God saying, “Irene you need to give out of your wealth and help take care of My sheep.” God calls us to be His hands and feet here on earth. In James 1: 27 it says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
Come to Africa with us! Our next mission trip will be August 2025. The team will be small – 6-10 people – and the trip will be short – 8-10 days. Write us at the address below for more information.
For information on upcoming trips, please contact trips@sevenwells.ca