On July 1st, 2014, a new Anti-Spam law will come into effect in Canada. This will prevent organizations and charities from communicating with people unless they have permission to do so. We know that you value the work we do in Africa, and would want to keep informed about our projects; the Asante Children’s Choir tour, and the all the other amazing things our people are doing in Africa to help the needy.
So we are asking you to do one simple thing: Please send us an email to info@asantecanada.ca, type in your name and address, and in the e-mail, please cut and paste, the following text:
“I wish to continue receiving updates about the work of Asante Ministries Canada.”
Thank you so much to all our faithful sponsors and donors. Without you we couldn’t be impacting the lives of so many children and families!! You are what makes this organization run! Again from all of us at Asante THANK YOU!