
Seven Wells’ mission and founding principles come in part from James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” Seven Wells accomplishes this mission by nurturing physical health, providing educational empowerment and sharing the hope that is found in Christ.


Our vision is to help create environments where children and those most in need are given hope for a better future and the tools to make that future a reality.


Seven Wells’ values are based on human dignity created when people are empowered by a living faith, granted physical well being and given the educational tools to thrive in life. We value love expressed in “action and truth.” (1 Jn 3:18).

View our Statement of Faith

A Brief History

In 2001 Amon Munyaneza was a university student in Rwanda and saw a young girl named Naomi with no shoes. Amon went to visit her home and found out that her mother was dying of HIV/AIDS and that Naomi was left to take care of the home, and thus was too poor to have any shoes. Amon began to pay her school fees and take care of her, and from that humble beginning, our child sponsorship program was born. Doug Sadler from Canada began to partner with him shortly after that and within a few years, Seven Wells had hundreds of sponsored children being cared for by donors in Canada, the USA, and the UK. We began to build schools and help families find ways to support themselves. In order to disciple the children we began to plant churches and Saturday Bible Clubs. Since our beginning, we have helped over 7,000 children to get an education.

Meet Our Team

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Meet Them

Our Programs

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Meet Our Team

Our ministry happens through a network of staff and volunteers both in Canada and in Africa.
Meet the Canadian Leadership Team.

Doug Sadler

President and Founder Seven Wells Canada

Carolin Sadler


Laurie Pflug

Board member

Fred Coad

Board member

Kevin May

Board member

Irene Klassen

Board member

Mary Anderson

Board member

About our name

There are seven spheres, or ‘wells’ that determine the character and destiny of any society. These are: Family, Government, Commerce, Church, Education, Media, and the Arts. All of our work is aimed at restoring the integrity and health of these Seven Wells of Society.


Here we need to have some statistics on where the money goes, with a graphic to illustrate.