Seven Wells was founded by Amon Munyaneza in 2001 as a way of giving back for what God had done in his own life. Since childhood, Amon had known what it felt like to be locked out of opportunity. Growing up in the hopeless conditions of a refugee settlement in Uganda after his parents fled Rwanda in the late 1950s, Amon had no prospects for education or any future outside of desperate poverty. He jokes that his family was so poor even the poor people in his village called his family poor.  It was out of these harsh circumstances that he made a promise to God saying, “God if you help me to get an education, I will help all the children of the world to be educated.” Little did he know how that promise would be fulfilled on both sides.

From a very young age, and starting grade school five years late, Amon worked whatever jobs he could find to fund his own education. In 1999, after spending over 25 years as an outsider in Uganda, he returned to his home country of Rwanda to attend university. But the home he found was unbelievably broken by the 1994 genocide that claimed over one million lives in only 100 days. He witnessed thousands of children roaming the streets naked, hungry, and desperate for care. Having grown up as a refugee child, he quickly identified with the children of Rwanda. In 2001 with only thirty dollars to his name and one child called Naomi on his mind, he founded an organization that would raise awareness for the desperate plight of the Rwandan children. What started as a simple dream to help one child to go to school has blossomed into an organization helping over 4,000 families, running three primary schools, an adult education technical training center and training choirs to tour the world spreading the word and raising awareness for the plight of the children of East Africa.

Amon holds a Master of Business Administration in Finance from Oklahoma Christian University and a Master of Arts in Ministry Management from Multnomah University. He is married with two daughters. He and his family live between the USA and Rwanda.